Subaru Seminars



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The Subaru Seminar is usually held in Room 104 of the Hilo Base Facility, adjacent to the main lobby. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you are interested in giving a seminar, please contact Subaru seminar organizers (Tadayuki Kodama, Kumiko S. Usuda, Naoyuki Tamura, Tomonori Usuda) by email : (please change"_at_" to @).

November 14, Monday, at 11:00 am

" Almaty Observatories and Astronomy in Kazakhstan "

Chingis Omarov

(Fessenkov Astrophysical Institute, National Center for Space Research and Technology of Kazakhstan)

Today astrophysical research in Kazakhstan is being developed in theoretical and observational aspects. In particular, computational astrophysics and stellar dynamics are gaining more momentum due to international collaboration. Meanwhile one of the main project to raise observational research is to build a new 3.6 meter ground telescope and to participate in the international space project "World Space Observatory - Ultraviolet".

Seminars are also held at JAC, CFHT, and IfA.

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