Subaru Seminars



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The Subaru Seminar is usually held in Room 104 of the Hilo Base Facility, adjacent to the main lobby. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you are interested in giving a seminar, please contact Subaru seminar organizers (Tomonori Usuda, Kumiko S. Usuda, Naoyuki Tamura) by email : (please change"_at" to @).

April 14th, Tuesday, at 11:00 am

" Spiral Galaxy Kinematics Over the Last 8 Gyrs "

Susan Kassin

(Oxford University, Astrophysics)

Observations of the internal kinematics of local galaxies have played a key role in the development of our current picture of galaxy formation. Recently, it has become possible to measure the internal kinematics of large samples of galaxies (~500+) at high redshift (z~1) due to the advent of multi- object spectrographs on 8-meter class telescopes. The focus of this talk will be on the relation between galaxy stellar mass and rotation velocity (the stellar mass Tully-Fisher relation) using data from the DEEP2 Survey. Studying this relation over the last half of the age of the Universe (0.1

Seminars are also held at JAC, CFHT, and IfA.

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