FOCAS filters and sensitivities

All sensitivities on this page are 5-sigma in 1 hour of on-source integration. Point source sensitivities assume 0.5'' seeing, while surface brightness sensitivies are per pixel.

These numbers are preliminary and will be updated after the aluminization of the telescope in this summer and the engineering observation in October. (8/5/2010)

Broad-band filters

Filter Wavelength (A) Sensitivity mag for
1 e-/s
Name Plot List Centre Width (mag) (mag/pixel)
U 3600 560 25.1 27.5 24.3
B 4400 1080 27.5 30.1 28.0
V 5500 1000 27.2 29.7 28.3
R 6600 1170 26.8 29.3 28.2
I 8050 1460 26.2 28.7 27.9

Narrow-band filters

These numbers are very preliminary.

Filter Wavelength (A) Sensitivity uJy for
1 e-/s
Name Plot List Centre Width (uJy) (uJy/pixel)
N373 3737 58 0.32 0.024 0.92
N386 3865 110 0.22 0.017 0.41
N487 4882 53 0.23 0.018 0.43
N502 5025 60 0.22 0.017 0.36
N512 5121 60 0.26 0.020 0.36
N642 6428 127 0.22 0.017 0.16
N658 6588 73 0.31 0.024 0.30
N670 6709 85 0.27 0.021 0.24

To convert from uJy to an emission line flux, use the following formula:

For example, the point source emission line sensitivity of the N487 filter is (3e-14 x 0.23 x 53)/48822 = 1.53e-20 W/m2

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